Meet the PPS-SF Staff: Daisy Hernandez, Latino Community Outreach Officer

This week, meet Daisy Hernandez, who has been with the organization for nearly 13 years.

Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco is a small but mighty team. We are parents, community leaders, and public school advocates. Our staff represents a wide array of ages, languages, and countries of origin. One thing we share in common: our passion for public education as a foundation of a liveable city for everyone. 

Name: Daisy Hernandez

Daisy, 2nd from left, on KIQI Spanish radio last year.

Daisy, 2nd from left, on KIQI Spanish radio last year.

Job Title: Latino Community Outreach Officer

Why Daisy works at PPS-SF:

Twelve years ago (nearly thirteen!) Daisy started working to help PPS-SF provide our services to the Spanish speaking parent community. Daisy has founded and supported Latino parent clubs, which are comfortable and supportive places for families to be active in their schools. Daisy helps to facilitate good communication and partnership between parents and educators.

Little known Daisy fact:

Daisy has always been very active in her own son's education, joining the SSC, PTA, and ELAC, so when he graduated high school she told him she would cut his diploma down the middle, because half was his, but half belonged to her.


“When you participate in your child’s education, that makes the biggest difference in their success.”