Featured program: Digital Equity

Grey background with words Digital Equity and group of people on laptops

Are you reading this on a phone? Or a laptop? Maybe even a computer at the library! It is safe to assume that most of the information out there is being accessed digitally. These days, trends, tweets, articles, and our daily news are being shared at incredible speeds, it is the beauty of the internet. But if you’re not able to access that, or don’t know how to… you’re at a disadvantage.

Given that most systems are moving toward digital faster than the general population has adapted to, using all digital systems, including those with limited and/or no access to consistent, reliable Internet, the Digital Equity Program was created out of a need to reduce the gaps in these areas.

Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco’s Digital Equity program aims to increase digital literacy to help close the opportunity gaps present in communities of color or low-income.  There is an immense need for this program and reducing the digital gap in disadvantaged communities. In order to close that gap an effort to train and present the value of digital literacy was developed for parents.

We provide training on general topics such as accessing the internet affordably and filling out online forms. We focus on parents’ needs by providing training on the online portal for parents provided by the San Francisco Unified School District and the use of the online education environment G-Suite used for academic planning and learning. During training, we cover the value of using online services over using in-person or paper methods. This includes classes on using email and online calendars, providing free or low-cost internet access to neighborhoods with limited or no access, navigating the SFUSD (San Francisco Unified School District) enrollment process, and the SF Parks & Rec digital platform for classes, camps, and various digital platforms for transportation. 

Parents are involved because all externally facing systems or services in San Francisco Unified School District have an online equivalent which provides a greater value if used over traditional methods of access and interaction. Training is to be accessed in person through marketing/advertising training sessions during community outreach efforts. 

Parents and community members have experienced a space where they team up with the Parent Embassy Program leaders, part of Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco. As parent ambassadors/leaders, they can join training workshops to help present workshops to those in their community. If they prefer to only receive the workshop information, they can look out for dates/times that members of the Parent Embassy will be hosting workshops throughout the San Francisco city area. 

if everyone has the knowledge and skills to use these digital platforms, they will be positioned to address the digital gap among communities. We strive to offer classes spanning all areas of Digital Access across our educational ecosystem. Book a class here!

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