School Renaming Advisory Committee Update

At the Board of Education (BOE) meeting on November 10th, 2020, the School Renaming Advisory Committee gave an update. The session opened with a Land Acknowledgement recognizing that SFUSD schools are on unceded Ramaytush Ohlone homelands. At the inception of the School Renaming Advisory Committee, a blue ribbon panel was created. Over the past year, this panel identified 42 schools that met the school renaming criteria.

On October 5th, 2020, the panel sent letters to the Principals of the 42 identified schools. In these letters, Principals were asked to contact representatives from four different groups

  1. Youth, compromised of the student body and student council

  2. SSC, compromised of parents and staff

  3. Parent affinity groups

  4. All school site staff

Twitter Public Comment.JPG

Each group may submit up to two alternative names, so an entire school community can submit no more than eight names. The panel will then consider and select one alternative name for each identified school.

Feedback has ranged from very positive to very critical. Many school leaders and communities wish there was more time to select a new name. People have also brought up how changing a name will play into costs of new apparel, sign changes, etc.

At Public Comment during the BOE Meeting on November 10th, community members echoed the idea of a longer timeline. A few brought up how the focus at the moment should be on ensuring students are getting a proper education during the pandemic. Others cited how cities across California are still proceeding with their school renaming, even in a pandemic.

Why stop now when we are so close and people are so excited?
— Public comment at November 10th, BOE Meeting

To see the slides presented at the BOE meeting, with the list of identified schools, click here.

The next SFUSD School Names Panel meeting will be on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 at 5:30 pm on Zoom. To see agendas, meeting minutes, approved documents, and recordings from any past meetings, click here.