Upcoming Board of Education Meetings

First Regular Board Meeting of the year: Tuesday 8/13 at 6:00 pm

You can find the full online agenda here.

Opening Items:

  • Superintendents Report, Student Delegate Report

Consent Calendar:

  • This part of the agenda includes approval of contracts, MOUs, and personnel items (approving hirings, transfers, leaves of absence, separations etc.)

  • Usually the board votes on these all together, but any board member may “sever” a particular item from the group to discuss it in more detail and vote on it separately

  • By looking at the personnel items you may get a preview of who some new staff are that are joining our schools and central office! Certificated staff include those with credentials (like teachers and principals), other school district staff are listed as classified staff.

Special Order of Business:

Arnautoff Mural at George Washington High School: Source: Yalonda M. James / The Chronicle

Arnautoff Mural at George Washington High School: Source: Yalonda M. James / The Chronicle

  • There are no resolutions being voted on or introduced tonight, but there is a special order of business related to the resolution that was passed on June 25, 2019 that instructed staff to develop a project that “removes from public view the Arnautoff Mural at George Washington High School by painting over the mural, or, if in the judgment of staff, painting over the mural will result in an undue delay, . . . remove[s] the mural from public view using solid panels or equivalent material”

  • As instructed by the board, staff did additional research and determined that paining over the mural would result in undue delay.

  • The special order of business, if approved, would instruct staff to move forward with a solution that “removes from public view the Arnautoff Mural at George Washington High School using solid panels or reasonably similar equivalent material, means or methods.”

  • There is expected to be a great deal of public comment on this item as there was in June. The time for public comment has been limited to 30 minutes divided equally between those speaking in favor of the proposal (to remove from view rather than paint over the mural) and those speaking against the proposal.

Public Comment

There is always an opportunity for public comment at school board meetings.

At regular meetings, speakers may speak to any item being voted on or may give general public comment during the time reserved for "Public Comment on General Matters." This item has recently been moved earlier on the agenda, so if you wish to speak, make sure you arrive by 6PM! Speakers must sign up in advance, either by calling the board office at (415) 241-6493 or filling out a speaker card at the meeting and handing it to Esther Casco, the executive assistant to the board, who sits next to the podium. Speaker cards must be turned in before the agenda item being spoken to is officially "called."

At committee meetings, those wishing to speak may sign up in advance or simply approach the podium when the committee chair calls for public comment.

Members of the public are typically allowed two minutes to speak, but the time given may be shorter if there are a large number of speakers.

Recording and Live Coverage of Meetings

You can access recordings of regular and committee meetings.

Video recordings of regular meetings (not available for committee meetings)

Audio recordings of committee meetings (click where it says "audio recording," under the meeting agenda)

Recordings are usually posted a few days after the meeting.

Regular board meetings are also broadcast live on KALWSFGOVTV2, and via live webcast.

Follow our live-tweet coverage of Tuesday’s meeting on our new BoardWatch Twitter @PPSSFBoardWatch #BoardWatch!