Upcoming Board of Education Meetings

2 Meetings this week!

Special Meeting of the Board of Education: Tuesday 6/18 at 5:00 PM

Agenda for the meeting here.

Source: Yalonda M. James / The Chronicle

Source: Yalonda M. James / The Chronicle

Action Items

  • Discussion of Potential Options to Remove From Public View the Arnautoff Mural at George Washington High School (see right). Presentation can be viewed here.

    • Intervention Scale ranges from conservation, to interpretation, to concealment, to removal.

    • The Board of Education has allotted 1 hour for public comment to be allocated equally between those for keeping the mural and those for removing it. All speakers must turn in their speaker card in person and indicate which side they are on.

  • Safe Supportive Schools Resolution Update. Presentation can be viewed here.

    • Focus of the Resolution: All Schools Implement School Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) and Restorative Practices (RP)

  • Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Annual Update. Presentation can be viewed here.

    • According to California Department of Education, LCAP is a tool for local educational agencies to set goals, plan actions, and leverage resources to meet those goals to improve student outcomes.

  • Discussion on Proposed 2019-2020 Budget. Presentation is same as LCAP.

    • This will be the biggest opportunity for discussion on the Budget before it is put up to a vote next week

Special Order of Business

  • Public Hearing and Adoption of the Annual Budget and Annual Service Plan for Special Education for the San Francisco Unified School District. Presentation can be found here.

Curriculum Council Meeting: Wednesday 6/19 at 6:00 pm.

  • Recommendations will be made on the following initiatives before they are put up to vote next Tuesday:

    • Our Healing in Our Hands SFUSD Resolution. Plan can be viewed here.

    • Resolution to Adopt the Declaration of the Rights of All Students to Equity and Access in Arts Learning. Plan can be viewed here.

    • SFUSD Arts Education Master Plan Refresh . Plan can be viewed here.

Public Comment

There is always an opportunity for public comment at school board meetings.

At regular meetings, speakers may speak to any item being voted on or may give general public comment during the time reserved for "Public Comment on General Matters." This item has recently been moved earlier on the agenda, so if you wish to speak, make sure you arrive by 6PM! Speakers must sign up in advance, either by calling the board office at (415) 241-6493 or filling out a speaker card at the meeting and handing it to Esther Casco, the executive assistant to the board, who sits next to the podium. Speaker cards must be turned in before the agenda item being spoken to is officially "called."

At committee meetings, those wishing to speak may sign up in advance or simply approach the podium when the committee chair calls for public comment.

Members of the public are typically allowed two minutes to speak, but the time given may be shorter if there are a large number of speakers.

Recording and Live Coverage of Meetings

You can access recordings of regular and committee meetings.

Video recordings of regular meetings (not available for committee meetings)

Audio recordings of committee meetings (click where it says "audio recording," under the meeting agenda)

Recordings are usually posted a few days after the meeting.

Regular board meetings are also broadcast live on KALWSFGOVTV2, and via live webcast.

Follow our live-tweet coverage of Tuesday’s meeting on our new BoardWatch Twitter @PPSSFBoardWatch #BoardWatch!