It's Not Too Late! Summer Camp Spots are Still Available - Including Very Low Cost Camp Opportunities for Income Qualified Families

(Elisa: you would have to modify this - I sent it out last year in May so it is more about last-minute low-cost camps. But you could edit it to talk about how to sign up for Park and Rec camps - what day it opens and how to sign up online or in person and what types of options there are for kids. Then also maybe mention Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA’s and any other low-cost options you know of, share a little information about the locations, how to sign up and what the camps are like and link to their sites)

SF Rec and Park still has camp openings available throughout the summer

Despite the mad rush to sign up for camps the minute registration opens, there still are spots available in many great Rec and Park day camps this summer, with program scholarships available to qualified families.

Log-in to search available camps here. Scholarship information is here. A list of camps with spots available as of April 19 is available here (in teeny-tiny print!)

Screenshot of SFRPD Camp Registration Site

Screenshot of SFRPD Camp Registration Site

Boys and Girls Clubs of San Francisco offer low cost camps at various clubhouses throughout the city

Boys and Girls Clubs of San Francisco offer low cost summer day camps at various club locations across the city and also have an overnight camp option - Camp Mendocino - which members can access for a reduced fee. The application for summer membership is here and can be returned to any clubhouse location. You can see information about offerings at individual clubhouses here.

Boys and Girls Clubs of San Francisco: Clubhouse locations in SF

Boys and Girls Clubs of San Francisco: Clubhouse locations in SF

Do you know of other free or low-cost summer camps with space available? Please let us know in the comments!