Community Feedback On District's Local Control and Accountability Plan

Advisory groups to give feedback on community priorities SFUSD Board Meeting on May 23, 2017.

SFUSD’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) describes the district's goals, strategic actions, and use of resources. All school districts are required to engage their communities in the LCAP process.

Since February, PPS-SF and other community organizations have partnered with SFUSD and formal advisory councils like the Parent Advisory Council (PAC), District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC), and African American Parent Advisory Council (AAPAC) to hold conversations at public forums, at school sites, and with community groups to hear feedback about SFUSD's priorities. In all, more than 450 people participated in 30 conversations. 

Based on the feedback collected in these conversations, a set of findings and recommended actions has been presented to district leaders working to put together the LCAP and SFUSD budget priorities for 2017–2018.

The findings include themes, priorities, questions, and concerns voiced by families participating in feedback sessions. They also suggest four specific actions supported by the totality of comments and feedback that came in through the community conversations. The actions requested in the published findings are as follows:

LCAP Stakeholder Engagement Findings: Requested Actions to Improve Student Outcomes

  1. Provide adequate curriculum and appropriate materials for teachers to support English Language Development for all English Learners.

  2. Increase student access to computers, and time to practice writing and academic work on keyboards, to develop the skills necessary to do well on computer-based assessments.

  3. Provide tools and build capacity for schools to improve two-way communication with families. Establish clear expectations that school staff will regularly update information shared through the new Gradebook for All system and will actively reach out to families in a timely way if their student is in danger of failing a course or is not on track to graduate.

  4. Provide consistent training and ongoing coaching for principals and teachers. Emphasize the expectation that principals, teachers, and other school staff participate in ongoing professional learning opportunities in several key areas:

    • Increasing cultural competence and cultural humility

    • Providing behavior supports and strengthening positive classroom management

    • Expanding trauma-informed practices as part of building a safe and supportive school culture for students and their families

The full report of findings is available on the SFUSD website, links below.

 LCAP Stakeholder Findings and Recommended Actions (Español | 中文)

Advisory Bodies Will Report to the Board of Education May 23, 2017

An updated verbal report on these findings will be given by the PAC, DELAC, and AAPAC at the Board of Education Meeting, held at 6pm on May 23, 2017, in the Board Room at 555 Franklin Street. The meeting is open to the public and there will be an opportunity to give public comment on this or any other education-related issue.

Opportunity for Public Comment

To speak at the meeting, call the Board office in advance to get your name on the speaker list, or fill out a "speaker card" when you arrive at the meeting and hand it in to to the executive assistant to the Board of Education who sits next to the podium.

Interested in learning more about the LCAP?